By Matthew Czekaj
As the parliamentary
election season heats up in Poland,
the country’s Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, is crisscrossing the country in his
[link in Polish], highlighting the successes of his government and making
campaign promises on behalf of his ruling party, Civic Platform. Over the long
term, however, perhaps the most important strategic game-changer achieved by
the Tusk government has been to bring the shale gas extraction industry to Poland.
On September 18, Tusk visited
[link in Polish] Lubocino in northern Poland where Polskie Górnictwo
Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA (Polish Oil and Gas Company – PGNiG) had just torched
a flare on one of its gas rigs. This is the second successful production of
“unconventional” natural gas – that is, gas trapped in shale rock deposits – in
the country; however it is the first well with a real chance of profitability.
With a smile on his face, Prime Minister Tusk told reporters that he was
“modestly optimistic” that commercial shale gas production in Poland may begin by 2014.
According to a US
Department of Energy study, Poland
is estimated to possess 5.3 trillion cubic meters of natural gas locked up in
its shale deposits – enough to supply the Central European state for 300 years.
Warsaw is championing shale gas as the key to
breaking the country’s dependence on coal power for electricity generation and
on imports from Gazprom, which fills 40 percent of Poland’s natural gas needs.
According to Tusk, with success in unconventional gas extraction, Poland would be
“gas secure” by 2035 (AFP, September 18). In addition, the Polish government
has promised that shale gas would contribute to overall lower natural gas prices
in the national market.
Nor would the shale gas
boon be for domestic consumption only. With smart investment in north-south pipeline
connections, Poland may want to export north to the Baltic
States and south to the Czech Republic (Hospodarske Noviny, September 16), for
example. According to a study by the Kościuszko Institute, Polish gas may also
go to Belarus, Ukraine, Denmark,
and even Holland and the United Kingdom.
would also be an attractive target, especially after Angela Merkel’s government
promised to phase
out the German nuclear power industry. However, having to compete with the
large volumes of Russian gas coming through the North Stream pipeline might
preclude this in the end.
The positive news out of
Lubocino is helping to drown out Poland’s other mega-scale energy
security project: nuclear power. As PGNiG Strategic Planning Bureau director Marcin
Lewenstein [link in Polish] told Wprost24
recently, though atomic power remains full of potential, PGNIG will focus its
financial resources on shale gas extraction.
With the success
of its first gas-producing well, PGNiG now plans to attempt to drill sideways
into the shale. The process of extracting shale gas, known as hydraulic
fracturing or “fracking,” has raised the ire of many environmentalists (and
Gazprom) and has even been banned in some places – most notably in France.
However, the Polish government considers the potential danger to underground
sources of drinking water fully possible to mitigate with the right amount of
regulation. Consequently, Poland
is the second country in the world after the United States to attract
international energy companies with a serious intention to drill for shale gas.
Tusk boldly predicted that
thanks to shale gas, Poland
had the possibility to become energy secure within his lifetime. Yet, mindful
of the dangers of a “resource curse,” the Prime Minister announced that
government proceeds from shale gas would go into a Norwegian-style national
investment fund, which would be used to pay pensions, back environmental
projects, and help subsidize counties and districts where fracking is to take
Regional enthusiasm for
unconventional natural gas extraction is not limited just to Poland. Geological
surveys suggest that the massive 405 mile belt of gas fields, which stretches
from the Polish coast diagonally to the southeast, likely also extends substantially
into Ukraine.
Moreover, with advances in fracking technology in recent years, Hungary
is also looking to tap what are believed to be large shale gas deposits buried
deep in the southeastern corner of the country. Hungary, which uses a disproportionately
high amount of natural gas in its energy mix and is almost exclusively reliant
on Russian gas for its imports, predicts a breakthrough in shale production by
2015 – not coincidentally the same year its long-term gas contract with Gazprom
is scheduled to expire. The Central European country additionally intends to
set up a region-wide gas exchange market.